Grants & Bursaries

Some of the applications can be found below or on our Forms page. If you can’t find it on this page or the Forms page, please contact the appropriate department at 1-800-665-6030 to request the form.

There are several grants and bursaries available from Yellowhead County. There are grants for parks and recreation, Family and Community Support Services, and agricultural services, as well as bursaries for post-secondary students enrolled in agricultural or environmental sciences related programs.

Please download and save applications before filling them in or all your content will be lost.

Agriculture Services Grants & Bursaries

Funding is available to community groups in the County who are providing services focused on agricultural producers and rural living. Applications can be found below that can be emailed or printed for paper copies.
**Note: If you wish to use the fillable forms to email, please save the application BEFORE you fill in the information. If you do not do this, the information filled in will be lost.
Please note – if you are applying to other grant programs and you need a letter of support from Yellowhead County, submit the details of your application and your request for support on our before one of the following three intake dates: April 15, August 15, November 15. Council will typically reply within 2 weeks of these dates.

Recreation Grants

There are 5 recreational grants available to community groups from the Yellowhead County Rec Board. For information on any grants please contact Derek Starnes, Parks and Recreation Supervisor at or 780-723-4800.

The following grants are available through the provincial government:

Community Facility Enhancement Program
Community Initiatives Program

**Note:  If you wish to use the fillable forms, please save the application BEFORE filling in the information, if you do not do this all the information will be lost.

Please note – if you are applying to other grant programs and you need a letter of support from Yellowhead County, submit the details of your application and your request for support on our before one of the following three intake dates: April 15, August 15, November 15. Council will typically reply within 2 weeks of these dates.

Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) Grants

The following links are fillable pdf forms that can be saved to be emailed or printed for paper copies:

**NOTE:  If you wish to use the fillable pdf forms, please save the application BEFORE filling in the information, if you do not do this all the information you filled in will be lost.** 

Primary Grant areas include, but are not limited to:

FCSS Grant Application Requirements

  • Complete an FCSS Grant Application Form with a projected budget and financial statement.
  • Comply with the FCSS grant terms and conditions, utilizing funds only for the purposes outlined in the grant application.
  • Submit a report to FCSS at project completion that includes the financial reporting of the project.
  • Return unused funds to Yellowhead County or provide a report on the projected use of those funds for approval of the FCSS Board.
  • Provide informal reports at the request of the FCSS program
  • Acknowledge the contribution of the FCSS grant to the larger community.

Applications can be sent to:
Yellowhead County
2716 – 1st Avenue Edson, AB T7E 1N9

Email applications can be sent to:
Wendy Robinson

Grant Applications are reviewed and considered by the FCSS board. Requests above $10,000.00 will require the approval of both the FCSS Board and Council. Please consider these timelines when considering applying for a grant.

Heritage Grants

County Cemetery Grants

Yellowhead County maintains a registry of most cemeteries that exist in the County. 

The majority of these cemeteries are owned and operated by non-profit societies that also maintain the cemetery records.