Fire safety awareness and public safety and education are an important part of Yellowhead County’s mandate and YCFD’s (Yellowhead County Fire Department’s) mission and vision statements and our core values.
Fire safety awareness and public safety and education are an important part of Yellowhead County’s mandate and YCFD’s (Yellowhead County Fire Department’s) mission and vision statements and our core values.
YCFD Wildfire Equipment & Contractor List
Please sign up at:
We require the following information:
If you are a contractor, please complete a Contractor Safety Agreement.
YCFD will contact you for a copy of this agreement.
AB Wildfire Orientation Course
It’s preferred that all personnel working on a wildfire take the free Wildfire Orientation course from Alberta Wildfire. This course provides personnel with the essential general information to work safely and efficiently when assigned to a wildfire incident. This course is mandatory when working under Alberta Wildfire.
For more information, go to
For help, contact the AB Wildfire Online Learning Help Desk at 780-865-8200 or email
Fire season starts in spring of each year (March 1 – October 31) depending on current conditions. During this time, Fire Permits are required for any burning (excluding campfires), or already burning fires.
The Edson Forest Protection Area (managed by Alberta Wildfire) covers all of Yellowhead County except the Yellowhead County Fire Area (managed by Yellowhead County.)
Fire Bans are listed at
Yellowhead County manages and issues fire permits for the area north of Highway 16 and east of Highway 22 in Yellowhead County. Permits are free and available by contacting your closest Yellowhead County Office.
Fire Permits for the rest of Yellowhead County (Edson Forest Area) are through the province at or the Edson Forest Areas offices.
For further information on Fire Permits for this area contact:
Yellowhead County Fire Department
780-723-4800 or 1-800-665-6030
Wildfire information for the Edson Forest Protection Area can be found at
Yellowhead County will make use of the most appropriate methods to communicate warning and informational messages to the public, including media such as radio, the Yellowhead County website, the Emergency Public Warning System, and any other forms of communication to distribute information in the most expediate manner.
Residents are encouraged to prepare themselves, their family and their property for any type of potential disaster.
Included below are a variety of Disaster Information brochures, as well as Emergency Preparedness Guides that will assist you to best be able to deal with most types of emergency events.
Creating an Escape Plan for your home is a vital part of helping to protect your family. Go to for tips and resources. Basic safety tips can make a dramatic impact if and when a fire breaks out.
Alberta Emergency Management Agency
Telephone: (780) 422-9000 / Toll-free: 310-0000
While Yellowhead County does not have a significant history of flooding in the area, there is the potential for floods to occur when extreme weather conditions are combined with the vast amount of waterways that are located within such a large land mass.
Updated AB Environment Flood Warnings & Advisories
Updated Highway Road Reports can be found on the Alberta Motor Association website.
Yellowhead County works with local industry, businesses, and organizations to help develop fire-related emergency plans.
Fire Inspections are an important part of any post-fire incident and are coordinated by the Yellowhead County Fire Department when needed.
For further information on Fire Inspections and Pre-plans for this area contact:
Yellowhead County Fire Department
Ph: 780-723-4800
Fax: 780-723-5066
YCFD participates in a variety of Public Relations Events such as:
Fire Prevention Week is a national event that raises awareness about fire safety and helps to ensure homes and families are prepared in an emergency or how to best prevent a fire related incident. Various events are hosted throughout Yellowhead County with an aim to educate everyone about fire prevention and emergency preparedness and include hands-on demonstrations such as fire extinguisher training, smoke-alarm awareness, and more.