The Yellowhead County Fire Department Cadet Program is for youth aged 15-17 to learn about Yellowhead County Fire Department, becoming a firefighter, and developing skills that may be used in all walks of life.
Apply to be a volunteer or Cadet Firefighter!
Cadet Application – Apply here.
The program’s mission is to:
- Enable cadets to better understand the firefighting career through an experience that balances both classroom and hands-on learning.
- Allow cadets to develop a variety of important and useful life skills.
- Give cadets valuable volunteer experience and opportunities.
- Enable cadets to give back to the community.
Cadets will have the opportunity to:
- Fight real fires in controlled scenarios using propane props;
- Learn to use vehicle extrication equipment;
- Practice search and rescue techniques;
- Learn CPR and advanced first aid;
- Explore different firefighting apparatus;
- Second-year cadets will have the opportunity to move to more advanced, technician level training;
- And much more!
- Selected youth will interview in early September.
- The four-weekend recruit course will begin in September at our Central Station 12 in Edson.
- After successful completion of the recruit course, Cadets will be introduced to their respective stations in their local community.
- In the stations, Cadets will participate in all weekly station training nights,
- Cadets will have the opportunity to attend longer, more in-depth, weekend training.
Watch the video below to see recruit firefighters showing a little bit of the dedication and hard work that the cadets, recruits, and training officers committed during the course.

The program encourages volunteerism within the community as cadets are required to complete 35 volunteer hours of community service upon completion of the program. These hours are acquired through community events such as food drives, parades, fundraisers, and fire prevention education.
Fire Cadets are not paid. Youth may be eligible to receive high school credits through the Fire Cadet Program.
When a Fire Cadet reaches the age of 18; they are eligible, at the discretion of their station officer, to become probationary firefighters and respond to fire calls.