Welcome to Historic Yellowhead County: Heritage Bus Tour
If you’re interested in the history and stories of our area, or you just want to see some of the unique places in the County, this is the place to be for this full-day historical tour exploring Yellowhead County’s history.
Stops from previous tours have included historical highlights in Marlboro, Hinton, Brule, Cadomin, Mountain Park, Mercoal and Robb where the Canadian Northern Rockies provide the backdrop for this fun and entertaining guided bus tour.
Participants get to see some of the locations and historical buildings that are part of the County’s Heritage Survey and Inventory.
The tours include ample information on the growth and eventual decline of the burgeoning Coal Branch where populations reached into the thousands nearly a century ago that was home to the largest symphony orchestra between Edmonton and Vancouver. Archival movies by local cinematographer “Flash” Shewschuk who lived in the area were shown on the bus during the tour; courtesy of the Galloway Station Museum.
Given the success of these tours, it is advised to sign up as soon as registration begins. For more information, please contact the Heritage Coordinator.