Come and explore Yellowhead County’s municipal campgrounds. Our six campgrounds offer peaceful, quiet, family camping with a wide variety of activities for every age group. Campgrounds are open from mid-May to September.
Yellowhead County municipal campgrounds include Bear Lake, Shiningbank Lake, Long Lake, Beta Lake, Jerry Vanderwell Memorial Park, and Nojack.
Reservations and Campground contact info:
Bear Lake, Shining Bank Lake, Long Lake
Operated by:
L.O.C.K. Properties
Beta Lake, Nojack Campground
Whitepine Ranches Ltd.
Jerry Vanderwell Memorial Campground:
Operated by:
Open the menu items below to see locations and campsite layout and locations.
Bear Lake
Long Lake Campground
Shiningbank Lake
Beta Lake
Jerry Vanderwell Memorial Park
Nojack Park
Campground fees are $20.00 per unit per night. The campgrounds feature outhouse facilities and hand-pump water wells. Firewood is available for purchase from the campground operators.
County campgrounds are self-registration parks and are patrolled daily and nightly by campground operators to ensure a safe and enjoyable stay.
There are on-site campground operators at Bear Lake and part-time at Shining Bank with a call-in reservation system.
Need a RV Sani Dump? Visit our Sani-Dump page for a list of free sani-dump locations in Yellowhead County.
You can also check out Yellowhead County Private Campgrounds and Accommodations or Provincial Campgrounds.