Yellowhead County Municipal Campgrounds & Parks

Come and explore Yellowhead County’s municipal campgrounds. Our six campgrounds offer peaceful, quiet, family camping with a wide variety of activities for every age group. Campgrounds are open from mid-May to September.

Yellowhead County municipal campgrounds include Bear Lake, Shiningbank Lake, Long Lake, Beta Lake, Jerry Vanderwell Memorial Park, and Nojack.

Reservations and Campground contact info:
Bear Lake, Shining Bank Lake, Long Lake

Operated by:
L.O.C.K. Properties

Beta Lake, Nojack Campground

Whitepine Ranches Ltd. 

Jerry Vanderwell Memorial Campground:
Operated by:

Open the menu items below to see locations and campsite layout and locations.

Campground fees are $20.00 per unit per night. The campgrounds feature outhouse facilities and hand-pump water wells. Firewood is available for purchase from the campground operators.

County campgrounds are self-registration parks and are patrolled daily and nightly by campground operators to ensure a safe and enjoyable stay.

There are on-site campground operators at Bear Lake and part-time at Shining Bank with a call-in reservation system.

Need a RV Sani Dump? Visit our Sani-Dump page for a list of free sani-dump locations in Yellowhead County.

You can also check out Yellowhead County Private Campgrounds and Accommodations or Provincial Campgrounds.