The goal of Yellowhead County is to clear snow from all roadways within four days after the end of a snowfall.
The removal of snow and ice on County maintained roads is based on the Snow Removal Policy which prioritizes the order of snow removal for municipal roads in Yellowhead County.
During inclement weather, there will be situations when the immediate demand for snow and ice control services will exceed available resources, and to maximize the benefits of operations, snow and ice control forces shall conduct operations according to approved priorities.
Yellowhead County will maintain municipal roads in a safe and passable condition. Snow and ice services are not intended to eliminate all hazardous conditions at all times but rather intended to assist vehicles that are properly equipped for winter driving and being operated in a manner consistent with good winter driving practices.
Clearing of snow from County Roadways will take place in this priority:
Grader snow removal will occur at the end of a snowstorm (or sooner if snow accumulation reaches 10-15 cm (4-6 in) on roadways).
- Gravel Collector Roads
- Gravel Local Roads
- Hamlets
- Fire Halls Accesses
- Approaches to Private Driveways
- Community Facilities (halls/arenas)
Plow Trucks
Plow truck snow removal operations should commence before the snow becomes packed by traffic, or when snow accumulations exceed 3 cm.
- Paved Collector Roads
- Paved local roads/subdivisions
- Hamlets

Locations where the County will not do snow removal are:
- Private Driveways
- Schools
- Other recreation areas or parking lots
- Roads to, or within, parks or campsites operated by other municipalities or the province
Private Snow Clearing Option
Residents interested in hiring a private contractor for snow removal for their road access, driveways, or other areas can contact the service providers listed can be found on our Snow Removal Private Contractor page.
Provincial highways (construction/maintenance)
Alberta Transportation is responsible for maintenance, construction and snow removal on Highways 16, 16A, 22, 32, 40, 47, 751, 647, and 748 (Edson North Road & Edson to Whitecourt). For road reports, check out 511 Alberta or follow them on twitter for up-to-date highway conditions and safety information 24/7.
Alberta Transportation – Edson District Office: 780-723-8250