Winter Fire Advisory Removed

The fire advisory has been removed for the Yellowhead County Fire Protection Area.  For the most current Fire Ban & Fire Advisories, visit

Please be advised that:
The fire advisory is over for the Yellowhead County Fire Protection area due to current and forecasted weather conditions.

The lack of precipitation this season and warm temperatures have kept the snow cover at a minimum, which makes dry grass and other fuels easier to ignite and continue to burn. A wildfire can ignite easily and spread quickly under these conditions

Residents and industry are responsible for any burns.

Fire permits are not required outside of wildfire season, however, residents and industry are responsible for all fires they ignite and will be charged for any costs for that may come from an out-of-control burn. Everyone needs to practice safe burning practices by following Alberta Wildfire’s guidelines.

These guidelines include the following:

  • Carefully select your burn site and do not burn until you have good snow cover in the area.
  • Check weather conditions and refrain from burning when an inversion is in place or is forecasted.
  • Actively manage burn projects to reduce total burning time.
  • Burn debris in stages so that you can adapt to changing weather conditions and reduce smoke.
  • Ensure you have the right tools, water and equipment on hand to keep the burn under control.
  • Consult your local municipality on how to safely undertake larger winter burning projects near communities or roads.
  • Municipalities, parks and protected areas may have additional fire safety requirements.

A fire advisory will remain in effect until conditions improve.

To learn more and see the current fire levels for all areas in Yellowhead County and other areas of the province, visit