Guide to Rural Living

There are many issues that can affect your property, such as road access, utility services, property issues, land and environment, and agricultural issues. It is important to research these items before purchasing land.

It is important for you to know that life in the country is different from life in the city. County governments are not able to provide the same level of service that city governments provide. To that end, we are providing you with the following information to help you make an educated and informed decision to purchase rural land.

Even though you pay property taxes to the county, the amount of tax collected may not cover the cost of the services provided to rural residents. We are all fortunate to share in services that are funded in no small part, by the taxes paid by industry.

This information is by no means exhaustive. There are other issues that you may encounter that we may have overlooked and we encourage you to explore and examine those things that could cause your move to be less than you expect.

We have offered these comments in the sincere hope that it can help you enjoy your decision to reside in the country. It is not our intent to dissuade you, only inform you.