June 11, 2023 at 9:00 p.m. Update
This is the last update for today. New updates will be posted tomorrow.
We want to remind everyone that they can also view the recorded online Facebook posts from today on the Town of Edson and Yellowhead County Facebook pages.
The Town of Edson and parts of Yellowhead County continue to be under an Evacuation Order. The remainder of Yellowhead County remains on evacuation alert. Every resident should be ready to evacuate.
While we had initially projected that residents would be able to return home on Wednesday, we don’t know if that will remain the case. It is very possible that the evacuation will last longer, and we will keep everyone updated as the situation continues to evolve. We know this is frustrating for all of you who have had to leave your homes, but it is simply a matter of safety.
These fires are being fought by world-class firefighting crews from around the globe, and we’re throwing everything we have at them. We are doing everything we can to keep our homes and communities safe, and to get you all home as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience, and for your support. There are hundreds of people working to keep everyone safe, and your messages of gratitude are so appreciated.
The Province has confirmed that those impacted by both recent evacuations in Edson and Yellowhead County have reached the 7-day threshold and are now eligible for the Emergency Evacuation Payments. To apply, visit https://evacuationpayment.alberta.ca/. Other financial supports may also be available.
The Reception Centre for evacuees is the Expo Centre in Edmonton (7515 118 Ave NW, Edmonton). All residents are asked to phone 1-833-334-4630 to register, even if not going to the Expo Centre. Red Cross and other supports are on hand to assist residents. Tomorrow (June 12th), a Seniors, Community, and Social Services Ministry (SCSS) team member will be at the reception centre from 8:15 am – 4:30 pm to provide assistance and information on what Emergency Evacuation Funds and other income supports are available.
The next live Facebook update will be June 12 at 12:00 P.M. streamed on our Facebook page. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can still view it on a web browser at www.facebook.com/yellowheadcounty.
Overnight, firefighters will continue to monitor and action fires. Our amazing fire crews worked hard to keep the situation contained as much as possible. This includes structural protection to keep our homes and communities safe.
EWF031 was detected on May 4 and is located 18 km west of Lodgepole, 5 km northwest of Brazeau Dam and 1.5 km south of Highway 16 near Edson. The fire is classified as out of control and is estimated to be 204,284 ha in size.
There are 282 firefighters and support staff being shared between the Pembina Complex of fires. There are 68 pieces of heavy equipment, and 22 helicopters assigned to the complex. The international contingent of personnel dedicated to the Pembina Complex includes professionals from Australia, South Africa, United States, Alberta and B.C. Over the coming days, additional support and resources are expected to arrive in support of these ongoing incidents.
EWF035 was detected on May 5. The northern portion of the fire is located 2 km east of Shining Bank Lake, reaching north and east across Township Road 560 and as far south as approximately 2 km north of the Niton Junction railway.
This wildfire is classified as out of control and has been remapped by GIS at 19,672 ha yesterday. The wildfire is south of Township Road 570, has burnt down to the south and continues to a site two kilometers north of the railroad track in Niton Junction. The fire moved across the Range Road 123 and burnt up to the Lobstick River.
More detailed information on these fires and other fires including the Wildwood area fire (WCU001, WCU002) can be found on the Edson Area Update at https://srd.web.alberta.ca/edson-area-update/
Several highways in the region have been closed to ensure public safety. Visit 511.alberta.com for details.