2023 Final Budget

May 23, 2023

2023 Final Budget – Yellowhead County adopted the 2023 Final Budget in the amount of $180,322,089.00. The 2023 Interim Budget had planned a 2% increase for the municipal mill rate, however after seeing the overall assessment Yellowhead County will have a 0% increase in the mill rate instead.

Bylaw 01.23 – Bylaw to Authorize Rates of Taxation for the 2023 Taxation Year

  1. Council provided first, second, and third readings to Bylaw 01.23, authorizing Rates of Taxation for the 2023 Taxation Year. Historically, due dates have fallen on June 30th in Yellowhead County. As a result of the 2023 spring wildfires, tax due dates have been pushed to July 31st, 2023.
  2. Council also approved waiving any outstanding tax penalties until September 29, 2023 for those evacuated fire areas identified as the Evansburg (Zone 1), Wildwood (Zone 3), and Shiningbank (Zone 4) areas, as well as the expanded evacuation area including Hattonford.
  3. Council directed Administration to bring back a report to Council next month to waive 2023 taxes on residential homes destroyed in the 2023 spring wildfires.