Are you a new resident that would like to learn more about living in Yellowhead County? Would you like to learn about the programs, services, and agencies available – and how to access them?
Then you need to come to one of our Welcome to Yellowhead County events! You are invited to come to one of 3 events hosted in collaboration between Yellowhead County FCSS and the Libraries.
Residents that would like to come and meet and welcome the new residents are also encouraged to attend. Snacks and refreshments will be available.
You can learn about the Heritage, Agriculture, Recreation and FCSS programs available to you, as well as volunteering opportunities, recreation amenities, grants for community connecting, and the variety of services and programs available through other organizations. And it’ll be a lot of fun too!
There are three dates and locations:
January 31 – Wildwood Library 6-8 pm
February 2 – Evansburg Library 7-9 pm
February 16 – Niton Library 6-8 pm
For more information, contact or call 780-325-3782. We look forward to meeting you!