February 28, 2023

Fraud Prevention Month

March is Fraud Prevention Month and we want to help you be prepared and vigilant to avoid scammers! Below, find several tips from Canada.ca/be-scam-smart, and visit their website to learn more about fraud in Canada, including statistics.

Easiest Ways to Avoid A Scam

Secrecy is your weapon!

  • Use a unique password for each account
  • Be suspicious if someone asks you for personal information
  • Don’t share your security codes, user IDs, passwords, or social insurance number
  • Be cautious before you click on a link

Be suspicious of requests for “owed” money!

  • Many scammers will say you owe money and demand immediate payment with gift cards or bitcoin. Here’s what you can do to avoid these scams:
    • Ask yourself:
      • Do I owe them money?
      • Why is this person pressuring me to act right now?
    • Learn what payment methods the government accepts

Don’t always trust a “local” number!

  • Scammers can change their caller ID to make it look like they are calling from a local number. Here’s what you can do to avoid these scams:
    • If the person is pressuring or threatening you, ask yourself why
    • If you’re not sure, call the business/government agency they’re claiming to be using the phone number on their official website
    • When in doubt, hang up!

Don’t share personal information!

  • Scammers may try to text you or contact you through social media. Here’s what you can do to avoid these scams:
    • Take a minute and question why they need your personal information
    • Be cautious about clicking on links that you aren’t sure about – they can take you to a fake website that will steal your information!
    • When in doubt, delete, delete, delete!