2024 MDP & LUB

Public Hearing

Open House Information Boards & Slides PDFs – Click to Download

Public Hearing to be held on:
June 25, 2024, 9:30 am
Council Chambers, County Administration Building, 2716 1 Ave, Edson

DRAFT Municipal Development Plan Bylaw 03.24

The plan for all of Yellowhead County is known as the Municipal Development Plan. The MDP sets our social, economic and environmental goals via specific policies. The MDP was adopted by Yellowhead County Council in 2013 and will soon be revised and renewed.

To view the draft version, download the PDF.
DRAFT MDP Bylaw 03.24

DRAFT Land Use Bylaw 02.24

Land use in Yellowhead County is controlled by assigning each parcel of land to a specific Land Use District. There are currently 9 land use districts. Each district has a list of Land Uses that are allowed or not allowed such as home-based businesses or commercial buildings. The Land Use Bylaw (LUB) also regulates the size, height and placement of buildings on land. It also sets out the rules for subdividing land, applying for a development permit or applying to change a land use district.

To view the draft version, download the PDF.
DRAFT Land Use Bylaw 02.24 (No Maps) 5 MB

Schedule C Land Use Bylaw Maps 50 MB

Previous Public Information Sessions

Open Houses start April 15 across Yellowhead County. Join us at these “drop-in” events for landowners, business owners, and residents to
discuss the proposed changes to the MDP and LUB. The sessions aim to answer questions and provide background on the proposed changes.

Public Information Sessions
April 30, 2024
11 AM & 6 PM
Join us at the online Open Houses on April 30, 2024, starting at 11:00 AM & 6:00 PM to discuss the proposed changes to the Yellowhead County MDP and LUB. The sessions aim to answer questions and provide background on the proposed changes.

We invite your input for an update to the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and the Land Use Bylaw (LUB). Take the survey at www.yhcounty.ca/MDPLUB2024.

The Municipal Development Plan communicates the long-term desired land use for the County and serves as a framework of how it is expected to change over time and shape its future. The Land Use Bylaw regulates the use and development of land and buildings within Yellowhead County to achieve an orderly and efficient pattern of development.