June 1, 2021

Council Highlights May 25, 2021

Brule Hall Naming Rights – Council approved the Brule Community Society’s request to offer naming rights of interior facility rooms at the Brule Community Hall to possible corporate sponsors. The society will be required to follow the County’s policy on facility naming requirements such as not being able to use names of individuals regardless of contribution to the community.

Cadomin Group Request for Funding – The Cadomin Community Society was approved by Council for a $12,000 grant for a concept design for a potential new community hall. Council approved funding for the initial concept design and has not committed to any additional funding.

Tax Agreement Policy – A new Non-residential Property Tax Agreement (Policy 1200.21) was adopted by Council to establish guidelines when entering into non-residential property tax agreements (Bylaw 07.21).  Any agreement that Council approves under these suggested guidelines would then be issued to meet all financial and legal obligations for taxes owed to Yellowhead County.

The next regular Council Meeting is June 22, 2021 at 9:30 AM.

The next Governance and Priorities meeting is June 15, 2021 at 9:30 AM.