Mayor’s Highlights 2024 

Council is in its final year, and there is an election coming up this October. I am taking a look back to highlight some of the projects Council has achieved over the past three years and what is in the hopper for the final year. 

The Brule Hall Grand Opening was one of the first things that came to mind. This hall is a huge addition to the community and will be enjoyed by all for many years to come.

Unfortunately, fires hit Yellowhead County (YHC) in 2023. The devastation was far and wide, with 13 out-of-control fires burning across the County at the same time. All hands were on deck to try to combat these fires and save the County from as much loss as possible. Unfortunately, many, many hectares burned, and a few structures were lost. Still, I am proud of the work of YHC’s First Responders, with the help of emergency crews from around the world, for finally bringing these fires under control.

During week 6 of the fires, the skies opened up, and the next emergency we had to deal with were the floods. Many low-lying areas throughout the County experienced major flooding. Roads, Bridges, and culverts were washed out, leaving people stranded. Emergency crews had to shift their focus from firefighting to rescuing residents who were stranded and setting up water dams to help save properties from the floods.

While the floods were happening, the county’s west end experienced heavy snowfall, with more than 3 feet of wet snow falling. This took down much of the power grid that services the Cadomin area. Crews worked around the clock to restore power to Cadomin, which was without power for a week. 

YHC had states of local emergencies declared for more than 60 days (fires and floods simultaneously), which is rare. Throughout it all, I am proud to say that no human life was lost.

Council and Administration had to refocus all efforts on the recovery and are still working on pieces of that even now. Most roads and culverts have been repaired, but one bridge still needs to be replaced.

Some of the larger projects Council has approved, some have been completed, with others in various stages of completion:

  • Rebuild of Swanson Road: This project was delayed many times due to environmental approvals, but it is now complete.
  • Edson Library: In partnership with the Town of Edson and the Edson Library, the library expansion and renovation project was completed in May, and the Grand re-opening was held on October 18th
  • Council supplied funding for the Yellowhead Agricultural Society indoor riding arena. This project was completed and will serve Yellowhead County and area residents for years.
  • The YCE multiplex is being built in Edson in partnership with the Town of Edson.  This much-awaited project is scheduled to have shovels in the ground by spring 2025.
  • Fibre Internet: Council has accelerated this project with the success of grant funding from the Federal and Provincial Governments. When this grant-funded portion of the project is complete, 90% of Yellowhead County will be serviced with Fibre. This portion of the project is scheduled to be completed by spring-summer 2027. Council is working on plans to finish the other 10% once this portion is completed.
  • Cadomin Hall is a beautiful new building in the Hamet that will serve the community for the next 60-80 years.
  • West Land purchase: YHC was fortunate enough to purchase approximately 1800 acres of land from the Provincial Government on the County’s West end by Jasper Park Gate. This property was purchased for economic development initiatives; more information will be provided soon.
  • Marlboro Lagoon: It has taken a long time to reach this point, but Council has made huge strides on this project. The lagoon and discharge lines are currently being installed, and other potential phases of this project are being considered in the future.
  • The rebuild of Range road 171 North of highway 748.

There is a lot of work being done across the County as well, some of which include:

  • The conceptual design of a new hall in Evansburg. Council wants to be ready to move forward when the need arises, probably not in the short term. 
  • Council is looking at options for the possible relocation of the Evansburg Library.
  • Continued sewer, water and street improvements in Evansburg.
  • Council donated a piece of property to the Evergreens Foundation in Wildwood for the future Seniors lodge that is planned to be built in the near future.
  • Replacement of the fire hall in Niton Junction. 
  • Rebuild and pavement on Twp Rd 542 from the North road to Tom Hill Tower Road.
  • Bridge and Culvert repair and replacement are still ongoing due to the flood of 2023, including the bridge replacement on Range Rd 170, South of Twp Rd 542.

Council has focused on keeping taxes as affordable as possible by prioritizing needs over wants. Over this entire term, Council has not had to raise the mill rate for residential or non-residential taxes. This should help promote Yellowhead County as a place to live and do business with some of the lowest taxes in Alberta.

Wade Williams

Mayor | Yellowhead County