On July 27, 2021, Yellowhead County’s Council declared a State of Agricultural Disaster for the 2021 farming season due to the extreme heat and lack of moisture in the region.
Municipal declarations may facilitate provincial or federal funding assistance programs to compensate producers. Multiple municipalities across the province have also declared a State of Agricultural Disaster.
Declaring an agricultural disaster brings awareness to a developing situation, informs residents, industry and provincial and federal governments, and enables collaboration with impacted producers.
Municipal declarations do not automatically trigger access to increased provincial or federal funding programs. In 2015 and 2017 Yellowhead County declared Agricultural Disasters due to drought conditions and in 2019 and 2020 a declaration was made in regards to the excessive moisture and cool conditions.
Based on the data, and in support of Yellowhead County farmers, Yellowhead County Council declared a State of Agricultural Disaster for the 2021 season.
More info links and resources:
Adjustments to Crop Insurance Programs: alberta.ca
Canadian Agricultural Partnership: cap.albert.ca/CAP/
Canada Agriculture Support for Farmers for Extreme Weather: www.canada.ca/
Canada Agriculture Livestock Tax Deferral Provision Map: www.canada.ca/
Canada Agriculture Livestock Tax Deferral Provision: www.canada.ca/
Here is the press release from the August 6, 2021announcement by Premier Jason Kenney on Agri-Recovery: https://www.alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=7966722273381-D712-69FD-A5A64F8C463D0F2D
Part of this announcement deals with supports for producers from Alberta Environment. Alberta Environment Protection staff are available to support producers in dry conditions in some specific situations.
- If producers need agronomic information dealing with grazing or haying crown land, they can contact an AEP staff member.
Agrologist Team Lead | Geographic Regions | Phone | |
Tanya Silzer | Whitecourt, Barrhead, Athabasca, Bonnyville, Lac La Biche | 780-778-7107 | tanya.silzer@gov.ab.ca |
Debbie Stover | Grande Prairie, Valleyview, Spirit River, Edson | 780-538-8022 | debbie.stover@gov.ab.ca |
Stewart McKay | Camrose, Drayton Valley, Edmonton Area, Rocky Mountain House | 403-356-7065 | stewart.mckay@gov.ab.ca |
- If livestock and poultry producers need a streamlined temporary diversion license to access water from a public water source (lake, river, stream) – you can direct them to the Water Pumping Program. However, they may also wish to connect with Alberta Environment contact via the email addresses below.
- South-Red Deer: WaterApprovals.RedDeer@gov.ab.ca
- North-Boreal: Aep.waborealregion@gov.ab.ca
- North-Capital: AEP.wacapital@gov.ab.ca
MAP: Soil moisture reserves relative to normal as of July 27