Election Bylaw 15.24
Council gave first and second readings to Bylaw 15.24, council requested that the bylaw be brought back for its third reading at a future meeting. Changes include combining items from several “bylaws” into one bylaw and includes reducing the deposit required to run for council from $500 to $100.
Bylaw 11.24
Council gave second and third readings to Bylaw 11.24, amending the Land Use Bylaw to redistrict a portion of NE-19-53-17-W5M from Rural District to Country Residential District.
Undeveloped Road Allowance
Council approved the use of the undeveloped road allowance RGE RD 251, located between NE-26-51-25-W5M and NW-25-51-25-W5M, for agricultural purposes. Administration has been directed to prepare a License of Occupation. The agreement stipulates that the road allowance must still be accessible to the public.
Land for Economic Development Initiative
Council approved the signing of a purchase contract with the Province of Alberta for approximately 1,873.79 acres in “Node 9” near the Jasper/Hinton airport, valued at $6,370,500.00, aligning with the Council’s Strategic Plan to enhance tourism and economic development.
Hamlet of Brule Fire Smart Vegetation Management Treatment
Council supports the FRIAA E01-24-27 Full Request Proposal for Fire Smart Vegetation Management Treatment in the Hamlet of Brule area.
FRIAA FireSmart Program (Non-Veg)
Council acknowledged the Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta (FRIAA) proposal as information.
2025 Interim Budget
Council has approved the 2025 Interim Budget, which was developed under a conservative approach; holding costs as reasonable as possible, with a 0% municipal tax rate increase. This included $122,224,976 of operating expenses and $138,141,152 of capital expenses.