November 27, 2024

Council Highlights November 26, 2024

Election Bylaw 15.24

Council gave first and second readings to Bylaw 15.24, council requested that the bylaw be brought back for its third reading at a future meeting. Changes include combining items from several “bylaws” into one bylaw and includes reducing the deposit required to run for council from $500 to $100.

Bylaw 11.24

Council gave second and third readings to Bylaw 11.24, amending the Land Use Bylaw to redistrict a portion of NE-19-53-17-W5M from Rural District to Country Residential District.

Undeveloped Road Allowance

Council approved the use of the undeveloped road allowance RGE RD 251, located between NE-26-51-25-W5M and NW-25-51-25-W5M, for agricultural purposes. Administration has been directed to prepare a License of Occupation. The agreement stipulates that the road allowance must still be accessible to the public.

Land for Economic Development Initiative

Council approved the signing of a purchase contract with the Province of Alberta for approximately 1,873.79 acres in “Node 9” near the Jasper/Hinton airport, valued at $6,370,500.00, aligning with the Council’s Strategic Plan to enhance tourism and economic development.

Hamlet of Brule Fire Smart Vegetation Management Treatment

Council supports the FRIAA E01-24-27 Full Request Proposal for Fire Smart Vegetation Management Treatment in the Hamlet of Brule area.

FRIAA FireSmart Program (Non-Veg)

Council acknowledged the Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta (FRIAA) proposal as information.

2025 Interim Budget

Council has approved the 2025 Interim Budget, which  was developed under a conservative approach; holding costs as reasonable as possible, with a 0% municipal tax rate increase.  This included $122,224,976 of operating expenses and $138,141,152 of capital expenses.