August 4, 2020


Economic Corridor Initiative Presentation – Bart Guyon, Reeve, Brazeau County, and Brian Senio, Research Analyst, Global Public Affairs, presented to county council regarding a proposed western economic corridor. The presenters are seeking to create a collaboration of industries, First Nations communities, municipalities, and the provincial and federal government, which will aim to stimulate economic recovery, job creation, and investment attraction in the western Alberta region.

Agricultural Services Board Establishment – Earlier this year, Yellowhead County Council rescinded the Agricultural Service Board (ASB) and assumed all previously delegated responsibilities of that board. Alberta Agriculture and Forestry requires a municipality to establish an ASB to meet applicable legislation and the requirements of the annual provincial ASB grant. Council gave third reading to Bylaw No. 15.20, being a bylaw to establish an Agricultural Service Board and an Agricultural Services Appeal Committee.

Council Appointment of an Agricultural Service Board – As county council had previously rescinded the Agricultural Service Board (ASB), council is now responsible for manning the ASB. Yellowhead County Council appointed the whole of council as the Yellowhead County Agricultural Service Board with the Mayor as chair.

River Ridge Area Structure Plan Amendment – River Ridge Properties Ltd. has recently submitted an application to amend the River Ridge Area Structure Plan 25.13. This application is in support of the subdivision of one additional lot from the plan area, meaning the proposed amendment will increase the number of country residential lots within the plan area from 47 to 48. Council gave first reading to Bylaw 16.20 amending the River Ridge Area Structure Plan as indicated on Schedule “A” and forwarded the bylaw to a public hearing to be held on July 28, 2020.