August 3, 2021

Council Highlights July 27, 2021

Agricultural Disaster – Yellowhead County declared a State of Agricultural Disaster for the 2021 farming season due to the extreme heat and lack of moisture in the region. Municipal declarations may facilitate provincial or federal funding assistance programs to compensate producers. Multiple municipalities across the province have also declared a State of Agricultural Disaster.

Municipal Boards Reinstated – Council directed administration to bring forward bylaws to re-establish the Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) Board, Heritage Advisory Board, and the Recreation Board effective October 26, 2021.  Previous members-at-large will be asked to resume work on these boards and the Agricultural Services Board and Appeals Committee, if interested.  Vacant board positions will be advertised in advance of the boards recommencing.

Land Use Bylaw 2021 – Council gave first reading to Bylaw 09.21 to adopt the new Land Use Bylaw. The County’s LUB regulates and guides future development and growth in the municipality for all types of land uses. The Public Hearing is September 14, 2021. It will provide residents and other stakeholders an opportunity to share their views on the bylaw.

Municipal Development Plan Amendments – Council gave first reading to three bylaws that the 2021 Land Use Bylaw impacts. Bylaw 12.21 rescinds the Stonewater Ranch Area Structure Plan, and 10.21 amends the Municipal Development Plan. Bylaw 11.21 rescinds the Hinton East Boundary Joint Area Structure Plan, which is no longer necessary due to the 2019 Intermunicipal Development Plan with the Town of Hinton.

Edson Landfill Expansion – Council approved the Town of Edson’s request for an additional $47,250 to construct the landfill expansion. After receiving the tenders for the project, it will be $135,000 over budget. The expansion will allow the landfill to operate past the projected termination date of April 2022. The County’s share is 35% of the project. 

Tender Awarded – Council awarded the tender for Range Road 92 in Wildwood for water and sewer, road development, and other work in the amount of $692,700.00 to Barsi Enterprises. Construction will begin once an agreement has been signed between Yellowhead County and UFA for a new cardlock site in Wildwood.

Regional Waste Management – Council approved, in principle, the West Yellowhead Regional Waste Management Authority (WYRWMA) Governance and Administration Plan. The plan will allow for better long-term management supported by the four partner municipalities of Yellowhead County, Edson, Hinton, and Jasper. 

County Assessor Appointed – Bob Daudelin of Accurate Assessment Group was appointed as the new Municipal Assessor for Yellowhead County. The naming of an assessor is required by law 34.04 and mandated by the province’s Municipal Government Act.

The next scheduled regular Council meeting is August 24, 2021 at 9:30 am.
The next scheduled Governance & Priorities meeting is August 17, 2021.