‘Public Engagement’ and ‘Coffee with a Councillor’ Policies
Council adopted Public Engagement & Communications Policy (1100.15) and Coffee with a Councillor Policy (1100.24). These policies aim to enhance transparency and encourage open communication between the County and its residents.
Intermunicipal Collaboration Agreement (Edson)
Council approved the Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) Amending Agreement with the Town of Edson. This agreement extends the existing collaboration framework for two more years, ensuring continued cooperation on shared services and projects.
Planned RMA Informational Meeting
Council will have a one-hour in-person meeting with the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA) in the afternoon following an upcoming Council or GPC. This will allow Council to discuss Yellowhead County’s issues from a rural municipal perspective with the RMA delegates.
YCE Multiplex Tender Awards
Council authorized the CAO to award Yellowhead County’s proportionate share of the first two tenders for the YCE Multiplex Project. These tenders, totaling $19.9 million, cover the pre-engineered arena and pool mechanical, mechanical general, and electrical general components, aligning with the overall project budget of $80.24 million.
Recycling Operations Contract
Council directed Administration to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a contractor to provide recycling operations within Yellowhead County. This decision follows a business analysis indicating that contracting out these services is the most cost-effective option.
Transfer Station Operations Contract
Council directed Administration to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for transfer station operations. The RFP will allow for one or more contractors to be engaged in delivering this program, aiming to achieve program efficiencies.
Road Closure Application No. 24.04
Council refused Road Closure Application No. 24.04 for the undeveloped road allowance Range Road 252, between SE-27-51-25-W5M and SW-26-51-25-W5M. The decision aligns with the policy to maintain public access to undeveloped road allowances unless specific criteria is met.
First Reading for Closure of Laneway (Bylaw 13.24)
Council gave First Reading to Bylaw 13.24 to close a portion of the undeveloped laneway in Plan 2120MC. A Public Hearing date is set for February 11, 2025, to gather further input on this closure.
First Reading for Undeveloped Road Portion (Bylaw 14.24)
Council gave First Reading to Bylaw 14.24 to close a portion of First Avenue in Plan 5050MC. A Public Hearing date is set for February 11, 2025, to discuss the proposed closure and its implications.
The next regular Council Meeting is January 28, 2025, at 9:30 AM.
The next Governance and Priorities meeting is January 21, 2025, at 9:30 AM.